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 The Camping abound!

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Messaggi : 250
Data d'iscrizione : 22.07.10

The Camping abound! Empty
MessaggioTitolo: The Camping abound!   The Camping abound! EmptyMer Gen 19, 2011 2:45 pm

[Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] is the season for these guys love to get outdoorsy and all ready to pitch a tent in some remote areas away from all the hustle and bustle of busy everyday life. I am one of those guys like the outdoors. Although Iloves the city, it doesthere's nothing like tobe theoutside with nature and silence, [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] taking theFresh air and green forests in the Northwest Pacifiic. As I contemplated my next campsite where j is local 'I had another thought, "I really should get a pair of UGG boots for camping!"Talk about the perfect solution for nights fra?tasks andhaving to walk outside your tent in the dark half slumber to find an outhouse. I can not tell you how many times I 'I vaguely fumbled around [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] with tennis shoes laced while trying not to knock over my tent or not my partner in only those with such situations. As c 'is nice, it would have been fair todon a pair of UGG boots;warmth and ease!I think ofa pair of UGG classic shorts in chocolate would be perfect. A nice dark color to avoid thatthey easily get dirty in the desert and they blend into the woods!I think that II may have found my next purchase.Really? This is your argument? That you might twist your ankle IN A BOOT, but 4 inch heels will ONLY give you bunions and back pain? If you’ve ever walked in 4 or 5 [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] inch heels you become quite aware of your own mortality. Yes, you feel sexy and powerful and masterfully skilled to have not fallen over….yet. I can understand an argument against UGG boots that they do not have much arch support, because for most of the styles that is true. But really, the majority of shoes people wear have minimal arch support, which is generally only a problem if you wear shoes like that for your 2 hour walk every day.And of course, why didn’t I think of it: [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] relaxed posture is just soo much worse than unnaturally flexed ankles and back strain caused by walking tip toe on a thin spike! Heaven forbid we be allowed to relax in our footwear. Darn UGG boots are making us so comfortable we forgot to tense every muscle as we walk!its written by [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] on 1.19

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