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 The Model Behavior

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Messaggi : 250
Data d'iscrizione : 22.07.10

The Model Behavior Empty
MessaggioTitolo: The Model Behavior   The Model Behavior EmptyMar Gen 11, 2011 10:16 am

[Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] Have you ever thought about her?it must be difficult tobe a model?Objectified all angles, assumed to be dumb as a post, for the most careers are over in 22 years, and the clothes you have towear are themore modern [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] art than ready-to-wear. Worst of all, think shoes. Yes, there are beautiful examples of modern shoes strutting across the world and bridges, but the majority ofbetween them is 5 inches stillettors, massive platforms or covered straps tight enough and jewelry that even Zsa Zsa Gabor would cringe. Just wear [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] comfortable shoes for the workplace. How fortunate, then, that ofa new brand of footwear is beginning to take over the parades. A saving grace of these poor models toes, heels, ankles and back: UGG Australia is to save the foot of beautiful women!Another unfortunate feature of high fashion is its lack ofaccessibility. J 'I can pin on the latest diamond-encrusted creation Stuart Weitzman [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] heels, but I am also well aware that the chances of ever seeing one in person, let alone possess, are quite low. Knowing this, it really rained?t satisfying to watch online fashion UGG Australia and I know that next season I'll have a pair. ThatIs this a whole new set of policy development andeconomy, it seems thatthere is a revitalization of democracy. So, lets revive the fashion for the [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] people!We can leg our sassy pair of Ugg Raya Boots, or rock of the new Bailey Button. comfortable way for women in the movement and beauty accessible to people around the world!its written by [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] on 1.11

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