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 The matter of perspective

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Messaggi : 250
Data d'iscrizione : 22.07.10

The matter of perspective Empty
MessaggioTitolo: The matter of perspective   The matter of perspective EmptyVen Dic 31, 2010 2:50 pm

[b][Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] You know what's fun to do?people judge others. C 'is a fairly terrible of thehuman experience, but we all do. And we believe the most stupid thing too:?You did what to your hair?""You want to be when you grow up?""You [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] have requested theWHO Prom?"It seems we never tire of telling people what we think of their choice, or make fun of our other friends. Sometimes it 'is as if theHigh School DOESis never completed. Most of the judgments we make [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] are purely superficial and not really intended to harm. But mostly they are negative. So for today 'Today, I want to try something different: we'll take anything we could find generally not aesthetic, and find the correct c?ty!Celebrating his choice of individuals?is odd and bold actress Lucy Davis on a break during filming. Applaud his boldness in color choice, embrace and comfort (and UGG!) In his [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] busy schedule!Then, of s?r, Katie Price is always ready for a bold move: Who 'else you know who has the panache to remove boots Classic Tall beautiful sunflower with leopard print leggings?Ms. Price is doing its part to celebrate the 80's!Bruce Willis gets the main points ofpart ofbe man enough to wear a pair [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] of UGG boots Classic!Well s?r, for respectful tribute to thecaveman recent years. Last but not least, theadorable and talented Dakota Fanning. How inventive must wear socksschoolgirl at the knee with a pair of Ugg slippers!His ingenuity is just part of what makes forshe a brilliant young actress. So how [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] do you feel?NOIs not much fun to decide recogn?very value of creative choices, more aesthetically accepted and mundane?Let us be bold, and who cares what others think!its written by [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link] on 12.31

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